Book Walter




Artificial Intelligence Sentinel

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“‘Two Choices: Evolve or Repeat’ This phrase separates those that question assumptions daily and constantly evolve, from those that just accept the status quo.”

How is state of the art AI used to battle cyber security?

How can the practical application of AI be used to save my company from human error?

What is the future impact of AI on the human race?

It is one of the fastest AI engines ever built. It completes 250 years of human effort every 90 minutes.

For 30 years Scorpion has found practical applications for AI to evolve society through innovative solutions and the reduction of human error from our smart grid to Department of Defense Command And Control systems to the US Army's Drone Fleet to protecting our Warfighters.

O'Brien founds Scorpion Computer Services:




Walter O'Brien is the founder of Scorpion Computer Services, a global research organization for hire that provides “intelligence on demand” as a concierge service for any funded need. Walter is the Executive Producer of the hit CBS-TV drama "Scorpion" inspired by his life with over 26 million viewers in the US and aired in 188 countries.

It is reported that the Irish-born O’Brien’s IQ was measured at a stratospheric 197 in primary school. He got his first computer at the age of 9 and by 13 years old hacked NASA using the pseudonym “Scorpion.”

This led to a visit by Interpol during which a deal was struck: instead of legal prosecution, O’Brien would test for other vulnerabilities on government systems.

He went on to launch Scorpion Computer Services, moving to the United States on a visa for those with extraordinary abilities of National Interest. As the business grew, Scorpion hired a cadre of genius-level consultants who worked for the U.S. Government, DOD and many Fortune 500 companies.

If that life story sounds familiar, it should. The hit CBS television show “Scorpion,” about a group of geniuses that tackle high-level crises for the U.S. government, was based on his life story.

Walter applied his degree in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science to protect U.S. fighters in Afghanistan and it is confirmed that the U.S. Army uses Scorpion’s intelligence tool, ScenGen, on its drones. The tool uses AI to generate all possible scenarios for any situation faster than the human mind can compute.

He’s been honored for his military technologies’ contributions to world peace and is credited with more than 150 unique tech inventions. He received unite4:humanity’s Humanitarian Lifetime Achievement Award, and won C-Suite Quarterly's Visionary award and provided the seed funding for TaxiWatch, a suicide prevention program that has saved over 130 lives to date.

The “Scorpion” series reassured young people that it’s okay to be smart, that every problem has a solution and there is a place for those who feel they never fit in. On this, O’Brien says, “We have girls writing in saying that they didn’t know they could be cyber engineers… I'm proud to be part of the fabric that inspires future generations to remain curious and remember that 'smart is cool.”

©Prophets of AI Walter O'Brien

O'Brien founds Scorpion Computer Services: founds







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Artificial Intelligence Sentinel

